/* NProgress, (c) 2013, 2014 Rico Sta. Cruz - http://ricostacruz.com/nprogress * @license MIT */ ;(function(root, factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.NProgress = factory(); } })(this, function() { var NProgress = {}; NProgress.version = '0.2.0'; var Settings = NProgress.settings = { minimum: 0.08, easing: 'ease', positionUsing: '', speed: 200, trickle: true, trickleRate: 0.02, trickleSpeed: 800, showSpinner: true, barSelector: '[role="bar"]', spinnerSelector: '[role="spinner"]', parent: 'body', template: '
' }; /** * Updates configuration. * * NProgress.configure({ * minimum: 0.1 * }); */ NProgress.configure = function(options) { var key, value; for (key in options) { value = options[key]; if (value !== undefined && options.hasOwnProperty(key)) Settings[key] = value; } return this; }; /** * Last number. */ NProgress.status = null; /** * Sets the progress bar status, where `n` is a number from `0.0` to `1.0`. * * NProgress.set(0.4); * NProgress.set(1.0); */ NProgress.set = function(n) { var started = NProgress.isStarted(); n = clamp(n, Settings.minimum, 1); NProgress.status = (n === 1 ? null : n); var progress = NProgress.render(!started), bar = progress.querySelector(Settings.barSelector), speed = Settings.speed, ease = Settings.easing; progress.offsetWidth; /* Repaint */ queue(function(next) { // Set positionUsing if it hasn't already been set if (Settings.positionUsing === '') Settings.positionUsing = NProgress.getPositioningCSS(); // Add transition css(bar, barPositionCSS(n, speed, ease)); if (n === 1) { // Fade out css(progress, { transition: 'none', opacity: 1 }); progress.offsetWidth; /* Repaint */ setTimeout(function() { css(progress, { transition: 'all ' + speed + 'ms linear', opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { NProgress.remove(); next(); }, speed); }, speed); } else { setTimeout(next, speed); } }); return this; }; NProgress.isStarted = function() { return typeof NProgress.status === 'number'; }; /** * Shows the progress bar. * This is the same as setting the status to 0%, except that it doesn't go backwards. * * NProgress.start(); * */ NProgress.start = function() { if (!NProgress.status) NProgress.set(0); var work = function() { setTimeout(function() { if (!NProgress.status) return; NProgress.trickle(); work(); }, Settings.trickleSpeed); }; if (Settings.trickle) work(); return this; }; /** * Hides the progress bar. * This is the *sort of* the same as setting the status to 100%, with the * difference being `done()` makes some placebo effect of some realistic motion. * * NProgress.done(); * * If `true` is passed, it will show the progress bar even if its hidden. * * NProgress.done(true); */ NProgress.done = function(force) { if (!force && !NProgress.status) return this; return NProgress.inc(0.3 + 0.5 * Math.random()).set(1); }; /** * Increments by a random amount. */ NProgress.inc = function(amount) { var n = NProgress.status; if (!n) { return NProgress.start(); } else { if (typeof amount !== 'number') { amount = (1 - n) * clamp(Math.random() * n, 0.1, 0.95); } n = clamp(n + amount, 0, 0.994); return NProgress.set(n); } }; NProgress.trickle = function() { return NProgress.inc(Math.random() * Settings.trickleRate); }; /** * Waits for all supplied jQuery promises and * increases the progress as the promises resolve. * * @param $promise jQUery Promise */ (function() { var initial = 0, current = 0; NProgress.promise = function($promise) { if (!$promise || $promise.state() === "resolved") { return this; } if (current === 0) { NProgress.start(); } initial++; current++; $promise.always(function() { current--; if (current === 0) { initial = 0; NProgress.done(); } else { NProgress.set((initial - current) / initial); } }); return this; }; })(); /** * (Internal) renders the progress bar markup based on the `template` * setting. */ NProgress.render = function(fromStart) { if (NProgress.isRendered()) return document.getElementById('nprogress'); addClass(document.documentElement, 'nprogress-busy'); var progress = document.createElement('div'); progress.id = 'nprogress'; progress.innerHTML = Settings.template; var bar = progress.querySelector(Settings.barSelector), perc = fromStart ? '-100' : toBarPerc(NProgress.status || 0), parent = document.querySelector(Settings.parent), spinner; css(bar, { transition: 'all 0 linear', transform: 'translate3d(' + perc + '%,0,0)' }); if (!Settings.showSpinner) { spinner = progress.querySelector(Settings.spinnerSelector); spinner && removeElement(spinner); } if (parent != document.body) { addClass(parent, 'nprogress-custom-parent'); } parent.appendChild(progress); return progress; }; /** * Removes the element. Opposite of render(). */ NProgress.remove = function() { removeClass(document.documentElement, 'nprogress-busy'); removeClass(document.querySelector(Settings.parent), 'nprogress-custom-parent'); var progress = document.getElementById('nprogress'); progress && removeElement(progress); }; /** * Checks if the progress bar is rendered. */ NProgress.isRendered = function() { return !!document.getElementById('nprogress'); }; /** * Determine which positioning CSS rule to use. */ NProgress.getPositioningCSS = function() { // Sniff on document.body.style var bodyStyle = document.body.style; // Sniff prefixes var vendorPrefix = ('WebkitTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'Webkit' : ('MozTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'Moz' : ('msTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'ms' : ('OTransform' in bodyStyle) ? 'O' : ''; if (vendorPrefix + 'Perspective' in bodyStyle) { // Modern browsers with 3D support, e.g. Webkit, IE10 return 'translate3d'; } else if (vendorPrefix + 'Transform' in bodyStyle) { // Browsers without 3D support, e.g. IE9 return 'translate'; } else { // Browsers without translate() support, e.g. IE7-8 return 'margin'; } }; /** * Helpers */ function clamp(n, min, max) { if (n < min) return min; if (n > max) return max; return n; } /** * (Internal) converts a percentage (`0..1`) to a bar translateX * percentage (`-100%..0%`). */ function toBarPerc(n) { return (-1 + n) * 100; } /** * (Internal) returns the correct CSS for changing the bar's * position given an n percentage, and speed and ease from Settings */ function barPositionCSS(n, speed, ease) { var barCSS; if (Settings.positionUsing === 'translate3d') { barCSS = { transform: 'translate3d('+toBarPerc(n)+'%,0,0)' }; } else if (Settings.positionUsing === 'translate') { barCSS = { transform: 'translate('+toBarPerc(n)+'%,0)' }; } else { barCSS = { 'margin-left': toBarPerc(n)+'%' }; } barCSS.transition = 'all '+speed+'ms '+ease; return barCSS; } /** * (Internal) Queues a function to be executed. */ var queue = (function() { var pending = []; function next() { var fn = pending.shift(); if (fn) { fn(next); } } return function(fn) { pending.push(fn); if (pending.length == 1) next(); }; })(); /** * (Internal) Applies css properties to an element, similar to the jQuery * css method. * * While this helper does assist with vendor prefixed property names, it * does not perform any manipulation of values prior to setting styles. */ var css = (function() { var cssPrefixes = [ 'Webkit', 'O', 'Moz', 'ms' ], cssProps = {}; function camelCase(string) { return string.replace(/^-ms-/, 'ms-').replace(/-([\da-z])/gi, function(match, letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }); } function getVendorProp(name) { var style = document.body.style; if (name in style) return name; var i = cssPrefixes.length, capName = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1), vendorName; while (i--) { vendorName = cssPrefixes[i] + capName; if (vendorName in style) return vendorName; } return name; } function getStyleProp(name) { name = camelCase(name); return cssProps[name] || (cssProps[name] = getVendorProp(name)); } function applyCss(element, prop, value) { prop = getStyleProp(prop); element.style[prop] = value; } return function(element, properties) { var args = arguments, prop, value; if (args.length == 2) { for (prop in properties) { value = properties[prop]; if (value !== undefined && properties.hasOwnProperty(prop)) applyCss(element, prop, value); } } else { applyCss(element, args[1], args[2]); } } })(); /** * (Internal) Determines if an element or space separated list of class names contains a class name. */ function hasClass(element, name) { var list = typeof element == 'string' ? element : classList(element); return list.indexOf(' ' + name + ' ') >= 0; } /** * (Internal) Adds a class to an element. */ function addClass(element, name) { var oldList = classList(element), newList = oldList + name; if (hasClass(oldList, name)) return; // Trim the opening space. element.className = newList.substring(1); } /** * (Internal) Removes a class from an element. */ function removeClass(element, name) { var oldList = classList(element), newList; if (!hasClass(element, name)) return; // Replace the class name. newList = oldList.replace(' ' + name + ' ', ' '); // Trim the opening and closing spaces. element.className = newList.substring(1, newList.length - 1); } /** * (Internal) Gets a space separated list of the class names on the element. * The list is wrapped with a single space on each end to facilitate finding * matches within the list. */ function classList(element) { return (' ' + (element.className || '') + ' ').replace(/\s+/gi, ' '); } /** * (Internal) Removes an element from the DOM. */ function removeElement(element) { element && element.parentNode && element.parentNode.removeChild(element); } return NProgress; }); Menu – Dream Kabob

Smoked Stories

Our Menu.


Mast Moosir


Yogurt blended with chopped shallots.

Mast Khiar


Yogurt, herbs and chopped Persian cucumbers.



Chickpeas blended with tahini, lemon juice, olive oil and garlic.

Shepherd Salad


This homemade Shepherd Salad is full of flavor and made with mixed fresh vegetables: tomatoes, cucumber, parsley and more!



Over-baked flatbread.

Shirazi Salad


Diced cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and parsley with lemon dressing.

Kashk Bademjan


Smoky, savory, and creamy eggplant dish traditionally made by mixing grilled eggplants, fried onions and garlic, yogurt whey, and dried mint.

Chicken Soup


Chicken soup is flavored with Persian dried lime and turmeric.



These Persian sambooseh beef hand pies are a delicious blend of perfectly seasoned beef and vegetables wrapped in a whole wheat lavash and pan fried until golden brown!



Koobideh Kabob


Koobideh Kabob is a favorite Persian dish made from ground lamb or ground beef or a combination of the two that is grilled using skewers.

Adana Kabob


Grilled Adana kebabs are made of ground lamb that is seasoned with cumin, tangy sumac, and spicy red pepper flakes

Chicken Boneless Kabob


Grilled ,boneless chicken Kabobs are extremely delicious kabobs with chicken pieces marinated inolive oil, milk, tomato & pepper paste, and aromatic spices.

Cornish Kabob


All natural Cornish Game Hen marinated in lemon juice and saffron, broiled to perfection.

Combo Kabob


1 skewer of chicken kabob and skewer of koobidehkabob and comes with rice salad bbq tomato

Lamb Chop Kabob


Our juicy lamb chops are marinated in home made spices and grilled to perfection

Lamb Chop Combo


Koobideh Kabob is a favorite Persian dish made from ground lamb or ground beef or a combination of the two that is grilled using skewers.

Doner Kabob (Gyro)


Koobideh Kabob is a favorite Persian dish made from ground lamb or ground beef or a combination of the two that is grilled using skewers.



An Iranian stew (khoresh) consisting of diced mutton,tomatoes, split peas, onion and dried lime, garnishedwith golden thinly sliced crispy potatoes

Akbar Joojeh


combines small chicken, saffron, pomegranate paste,and butter

Ghormeh Sabzi Stew


Sauteed fresh green herbs and rice kidney beans served with veal or chicken

Lamb Shank


Lamb shanks are braised in a flavorful broth with saffron, lime juice, and fresh herbs in this impressive dish

Zereshk Pulao


It is a flavorful Persian rice dish, studded with super tasty barberries, almonds and pistachios, along with a nicely roasted flavorful chicken .

Fish Kabob


Flavored with saffron, garlic, green chili and a host of fresh herbs

Chop Shish


Chop shish Kabob are the lamb cubes Marinated with fat, onion, green pepper, black pepper, and some aromatic spices.

Barg Beef


Flat pieces of beef marinated in onions and saffron then broiled to perfection

Sultani Kabob


Kabab Soltani is the combination of One skewer of Beef Koobideh with one skewer of Barg kabob charbroiled over an open fire.

Barg Chicken


Flat pieces of beef marinated in onions and saffron then broiled to perfection

Lamb Shank



Koobideh Kabob


Koobideh Kabob is made from ground lamb or ground beef or a combination of the two that is grilled using skewers.

Chicken Koobideh


Chicken koobideh features seasoned ground chicken cooked on flat metal skewers.

Chicken boneless


These succulent chicken kabobs are made by marinating chicken in bloomed saffron, lemon, yogurt, and onions and grilled on skewers to perfection.

Chicken Cornish


Tender pieces of bone-in chicken marinated in lemon juice and saffron,grilled on skewer.

Lamb chop Kabob


Juicy, tender and bursting flavor, lamb chops are the best bet.

Barg Beef


Flat pieces of beef marinated in onions and saffron then broiled to perfection


Koobideh Sandwich


Koobideh Kabob is a favorite Persian dish made from ground lamb or ground beef or a combination of the two that is grilled using skewers.

Chicken Koobideh


Koobideh Kabob is a favorite Persian dish made from ground lamb or ground beef or a combination of the two that is grilled using skewers.



Bandari is a delicious fast food sandwhich of Iran made out of sausage and potatoes that originates from Southern Iran.

Falafel Sandwich


Falafel Sandwich features a pita stuffed with greens, hummus, falafel patties, and your favorite veggies. Drizzled with a creamy garlic sauce.

Doner Sandwich


Freshly sliced, lean beef & lamb (or chicken) from the rotisserie in a hot flatbread with lettuce, tomatoes, red onions and topped with tzatziki.

Beef Tongue


Tongue Sandwich is your best street food, featuring slabs of boiled and roasted beef tongue, crisp iceberg lettuce, tomato, mayo and pickle on a soft, toasted bread.




Chicken Wings


Kids Doner


Kids Chicken Kabob


Koobideh Kabob is a favorite Persian dish made from ground lamb or ground beef or a combination of the two that is grilled using skewers.


Bandari Plate


Chicken Wings (Hot)


Chicken wings (Reg)


Beef Hot Dog







Baklava is a layered pastry dessert made of filo pastry, filled with chopped nuts, and sweetened with syrup or honey.

Ice Cream


Faloodeh Shirazi


Faloodeh shirazi is a traditional Iranian cold dessert, consists of thin vermicelli-sized noodles made from starch in a semi-frozen syrup containing sugar and rose water,served with lime juice and ground pistachio.

Faloodeh Ice cream


Traditional faloodeh served with ice cream.


with chicken kabob, kobideh kabob and chicken Kobideh,naan, cucumber yogurt/hummus and salad












Orange Juice


Apple Juice


Pomegranate Juice


Melon Juice


Iranian Majoon

Majoun is a Persian energy drink made with bananas, dates, nuts and a few other ingredients.


Carrot Juice


Cherry Juice


Berry Juice



Banana Milkshake, a healthy and creamy shake prepared with ripe banana and milk
